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  1. P

    Foster dog is extremely anxious and timid, how do I help her calm down?

    @theonly1theymake Thank you!! I’ll definitely take a look and try some of these tactics with her.
  2. P

    Foster dog is extremely anxious and timid, how do I help her calm down?

    @refei Thank you! Super encouraging to hear your success story. I’ll keep being patient with her, and she managed to eat a little this morning so I’m proud of her progress!!
  3. P

    Foster dog is extremely anxious and timid, how do I help her calm down?

    Hello! First time foster here, and to be clear I am asking advice tomorrow from the shelter, but wanted to check in here as well to see if anyone has any additional tips. I just brought home my foster pup (husky/shepherd mix, 1 y/o) and while she’s an extremely sweet dog, she’s painfully...