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    8 month old golden retriever

    @ayopoker We ended up neutering him as the vet demanded it as well and put him on Prozac. The trainer we have works with the dog whisperer and we spent 3k on his services. It’s a tough pill to swallow right now.. the breeder is recommending euthanize as well. They said they will trade and are...
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @zhangyue I tried sending a video but can’t figure it out. Yes they break skin with blood at times. Sometimes just a cut, sometimes a small puncture if the situation is escalated (like yesterday)
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    8 month old golden retriever

    @yaronir80 The board and train recommended to re home him, the behaviorist and vet is suggesting the same thing. Worries me that a well known behaviorist is turning down $3,000 “in our best interest” as he thinks this is fully genetic even tho the rest of the litter has no issues (reached out to...
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @xenliad We just started reading that book yesterday! No this is the first time I did not offer a trade with the shoe. He was dropping stuff for me all day, and I thought he dropped the shoe, but it was still within 9 inches or so of his face.
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    8 month old golden retriever

    Please help— I have an 8 month old golden retriever that I got from a breeder at 8 weeks old. 99% of the time he is the sweetest dog of all time, rolling on his back for pets and loves to cuddle. Unfortunately there is a brutal 1% where he resource guards random things that can range from shoes...
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @thudomi1582 Will definitely do that, was looking for a link like that. Everything you google is “behavioral trainers” like no I want someone with a PHD in animal psychology! Thanks again!
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @childman This is good advice.. I think I will at least wait until the Prozac kicks in and the testosterone is fully dumped post-neuter. Thank you!
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @foodiehubster Your messages are screenshotted and saved for the next few months of training. Your advice is so, so appreciated. Thank you!
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn This is great advice, it is so, so appreciated! What I don’t like is the extreme variance of opinions on this thread 😅
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @dalee That’s great news for you guys! Was she a severe resource guarder? Hopefully this works at least a little bit with us as well, only 1 week in though.
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @dalee That’s great news for you guys! Was she a severe resource guarder? Hopefully this works at least a little bit with us as well, only 1 week in though.
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    Mentioned in a previous post, my 8 month old golden retriever developed resource guarding “high value” objects around 5 months. The bites are semi severe as they now break skin . He is semi anxious and once he gets into the guarding phase, he becomes fearful and gives you all the cues to back...