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  1. J

    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @444chris444 Maybe you should re-read the article again then because a bonker is not, "one step away from hitting your dog." You're SUPPOSED to hit the dog with the bonker. Preferably on the crown of the head. The advantage of the bonker over the shock collar is (1) the bonker does not cause the...
  2. J

    Has anyone else noticed this?

    @ked91 Well, on the pozi side you're dealing with a group that defines itself by what it doesn't do, so you're going to run into judgmental people if you obviously don't fit their mold. I imagine you'd have a similar experience if you went into a vegan cooking group and started asking questions...
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @444chris444 Don't take my word for it. Here's the guy who came up with the procedure
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    How do u train a puppy to be calm in public places

    @kimberlystambaugh The only thing more annoying than ESA-havers is ESA vs Service Dog vs Pet Dog explainers.
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @444chris444 As a punisher
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @444chris444 Bonker is not really used for getting attention
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    What proportion of balanced trainers use bonkers?

    @cj The bonker has an element of surprise because the dog doesn't have to be wearing a collar
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    E-collar correction

    @skilletboy Internet camera has too much latency for proper timing. Ideally the punisher will be applied the moment the dog touches the trash. Think about what would happen if you stick your hand in the trash and touched a mousetrap - would you stick your hand in there again?
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    Warning grumble or “talking” grumble?

    @wayofthepromise If you guys have done obedience training in the past run a few tests and start working from wherever she's currently reliable
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    Warning grumble or “talking” grumble?

    @wayofthepromise No roughhousing with the dog. Do not hug the dog. Do not kiss the dog. Stop agitating the dog. Start obedience training immediately.
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    Using a leash to check a dogs commitment to a position

    @kpd Checking is a common practice in professional training. So common that there are tools named after it: check cord, check chain, etc. I would argue that "leash pressure" training is actually what is potentially confusing to a dog. They come in with a built in opposition instinct that...
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    Using a leash to check a dogs commitment to a position

    @quaheem This doesn't surprise me one bit
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    E-collar correction

    @kyredneck I think the problem is that you're thinking of trash-eating as this singular issue when in reality it's a symptom of a greater problem - the dog touches things that don't belong to him. Whether the dog is eating the trash or his bed or toys or any inappropriate object, the fix is...
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    E-collar correction

    @kyredneck Proofing your house for your dog and your dog for your house are both useful. Faced with the choice between the two, I will take the house-proofed dog over the dog-proofed house
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    E-collar correction

    @kyredneck People who don't train their dogs are negligent. Someone who gets a dog without knowing how to train it or expects to just intuitively figure it out along the way is irresponsible. If someone has a dog and finds they have an urgent behavior problem that they are not equipped to...
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    E-collar correction

    @kyredneck Great, you don't mind having a dog that eats trash. Nobody's forcing you to hire a dog trainer, and some people have higher standards or lower risk tolerances than you do. What the fuck is your "problem" with the way I make a living?
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    E-collar correction

    @kalebsanders007 Are you trainer for-hire? As in, people give you money to help them train their dogs? Because this is exactly the type of answer I would expect to hear from a trainer at the end of their competency, and is entirely indicative of the problem with this sub. Regular dog owners...
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    Device Suggestions for Bark Correction

    @ptw I dont think the Garmin device can do vibration in bark suppression mode, but of the three it has the best auto-rise setting
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    E-collar correction

    @kyredneck It isn't. "Managing" a problem like trash-eating has to be 100% perfect, and a simple mistake could mean death or serious illness for the dog. I share the other poster's frustration as this is a question they gets asked here often, with dozens of responses bleating out the same...