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  1. L

    My 5 y/o vomited last night

    @facebookbrett44 Thanks. I am giving her plenty of water, keeping her dish full so she has it as she wants, feeding her rice and boiled chicken. Didn't know about the yogurt. I will try it.
  2. L

    My 5 y/o vomited last night

    @dwstamps Thanks. I will get her to the vet asap
  3. L

    My 5 y/o vomited last night

    @dwstamps She seems back to normal now, except for her still loose stool. What was wrong with yours?
  4. L

    My 5 y/o vomited last night

    @facebookbrett44 Thanks.
  5. L

    My 5 y/o vomited last night

    Cleo went for her walk last night and was laying down. I thought she was asleep. All of a sudden, she vomited her full stomach contents. She vomited 4 more times within the hour, those were mostly bile, but quite a bit of it. She wasn't acting different before hand, and I didn't see her eat...