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  1. T

    I was not prepared for adolescence!!!

    @wontbelongnow You’re speaking to my soul right now. What on Earth is the random sitting on the street, I don’t get it. My pup went from a relatively well behaved loose leash walking to either pulling me like a maniac or randomly stopping and when I call her with treats and my most playful...
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    I’m all about R+, but what do you do when your pup is being a stubborn little sh*t and wouldn’t just leave something dangerous?

    @anthonyk This is really useful, thanks! My pup can usually be motivated by treats, but sticks and branches are turning out to be the highest value of all these days, so need to find alternatives.
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    I’m all about R+, but what do you do when your pup is being a stubborn little sh*t and wouldn’t just leave something dangerous?

    @woodworker Thanks for all the valuable feedback and advice, I'm still learning best practices and it's so good to have input on the various problems and training techniques. Probably I did not phrase my post very well, but what I meant is that obviously it takes time for both you and the pup to...
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    I’m all about R+, but what do you do when your pup is being a stubborn little sh*t and wouldn’t just leave something dangerous?

    @sdr77 I sometimes also just turn my back to her immediately and freeze, that can shock her. Although I do have long hair and it can happen that she launches an attack on it from the back, especially if there’s a clip on it. My puppy is getting a lot better, I think with super chewers it’s a...
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    I’m all about R+, but what do you do when your pup is being a stubborn little sh*t and wouldn’t just leave something dangerous?

    @meehan8381 I tried the long leash, but she got super excited about it and ended up all tangled. I’m trying to get her used to it, because I want to take her to bigger parks where she will definitely need it. I have this tiny park (more of a garden, really) near my building, which has a fence...
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    I’m all about R+, but what do you do when your pup is being a stubborn little sh*t and wouldn’t just leave something dangerous?

    @meehan8381 Thanks for your advice. I realised I left out that she’s 5 and a half months old and it’s more about the cheeky adolescence, than the early puppy behaviour. She’s not on a leash in the house. With the biting I give her time outs, or I leave the room but still happens out of the...
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    I’m all about R+, but what do you do when your pup is being a stubborn little sh*t and wouldn’t just leave something dangerous?

    I love everything about my cheeky munch monster, but there were a few occasions where she made me jump out of my skin, hit another dimension and come back. I’m looking for advice on how to keep my cool and use positive reinforcement in painful or potentially life threatening situations. I’ll...