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    Grooming 4 - 5 dogs down to 3? Not speed

    @sunee1 I do, and they're very kind, but they don't do that. I feel like I'm distracting them.
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    Grooming 4 - 5 dogs down to 3? Not speed

    I was doing 4-5 dogs a day. Now I'm down to 3... one of two things is happening, and I'm only sure how to fix the one. 1. Could it because my blades are dull so I'm having to spend more time scissoring to make up for it? If so, just sharpen my stuff. 2. I hit a plateau and need to figure it...
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @oceanwaves 1) I don't work for myself. We have bathers where I work. The owner decides if it's pre-stripped. 2) It wasn't matted. That's the cut that the owner wanted 3) I walked into it already in the tub.
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    I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

    @kate22 I've done worse, don't worry. I wasn't paying attention and forgot to put a clip comb on my 30 and put it straight down the back of a 1" poodle.. I called the owner crying. He was super nice,but I gave him that groom free, and the next 3 discounted until his coat grew in properly. I...
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @tamlamc It means to cut the hair super short.
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @zeyi You're wonderful. Thank you! That wasn't explained to me. It was "It's too early for physio. It'll go away" because I went in a week after it started. And it didn't go away. Thank you for your help!
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @zeyi Is that the weird, like 2" wide, sweatband looking thing that sits on the arm? Edit; I googled it. It is. I had one but it seemed silly. I had a wrist brace that went half way up my arm and stabilized my wrist that helped. Heat, okay! Thank you!!
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @tamlamc Because I was asked to. This is what the owner wanted.
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    Affordable Brush Alternative

    @dvm0071 My favourite is the Wahl Pro Groom Curved Slicker series. They're like $15-$17 Canadian. They're the same shape as the CC ones. They're basically identical. I also really like the Miracle Coat brushes. CC is so expensive because of the name.
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @tyronasmith It's in my dominant side. It's a terrible pain. It keeps me up at night, it's a nightmare. Between this and my bad hip from Starbucks, we're living the dream over here.
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @otfl4jah I developed "golfer's elbow" in the early fall.. and it still hasn't healed because of work. My doctor: "you need to stop what you're doing to cause this." "I can't. It's literally my job." "Hmm.. I'm not sure then."
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @kimberly3421 I could not.
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @kimberly3421 I agree, but not when I dry that much hair for 0 reason.
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    Trouble filling up schedules.

    @chris_1989 My entire week of shifts was canceled 2 weeks ago, and so far 2 have been this week...
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @stanley_4 Right? I mentioned my kid in the post because even this 13yo (although a groomer's kid) knows its not a good idea lol. There was more to our conversation but that was the funny part.
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @gmcarlson518 The dog's hair was legitimately 4" long. They could get a 4 or 5 more often and not see pink skin over their entire dog. 7 is the second shortest length you can go. It's just silly.
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @carl78 That's why I was so annoyed!! I was expecting ATLEAST 3/4" when I was drying it. I almost cried when I looked at the board only to see 7.
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @temirlan Oh, you're totally fine. I would rather do my own dog start to finish, but the place I'm at does 20+ dogs a day with 5 staff who can groom, so they have 2 bathers.
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    Has an owner asked for a shave down that was necessary?

    @evall I've had a few. They're always very apologetic and embarrassed.
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @temirlan I didn't bathe it and it isn't my shop. I walked into work with the dog already in the tub.