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  1. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @dspeters5 He’s been seen by the vet multiple times. The vet says he’s healthy even though I think it’s weird cause he pants all the time, even when he’s resting he’s panting. My apartment is 70 degrees so I don’t think it’s that hot but it may be for him.
  2. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @jamesapado Yeah it’s weird if I give him a lick mat he will pay attention to that and not whine when I leave the room. If I give him a bully stick he doesn’t care enough for the same.. I worked on it some today and I got him to sit there a minute without whining. If he’s in place or on his bed...
  3. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @alexm961 So you have your dog go into the crate when you eat at first with a chew so she can see you eating and know she gets her chew? I’ll try that usually I would just eat during his mandated naps but it also meant I could only use the bathroom during those too cause he whines if I leave to go
  4. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @alexm961 So what do you recommend if he’s whining at my food and trying to get at strangers and at my so. He already doesn’t get let out until he stops whining and gets nothing when he’s whining. Supposedly the hormones should get calmer since he’s neutered now no?
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    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @tke129 I see tons of videos on like about correcting attention whining and that’s exactly what this is so I was hoping to get some help getting him to realize that’s the entirely wrong way to get my attention It’s fine if he whines if he needs food or water or an actual need and feeling sick...
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    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @tke129 I do have someone but she wasn’t much help she taught me a couple games like treasure chest and told me to drop the treat down to his nose and only give it him if he doesn’t react to help with the impulse issues but aside from that I was told they would help with it. Well it didn’t he...
  7. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @tke129 Yup tried that he whines the entire time. Taught him place training too it’s hard to keep him there
  8. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @tke129 Possibly but even before it he would whine if he didn’t immediately get my attention, or my food or couldn’t get to my so or strangers we see on walks. He pretty much whines anytime he can’t immediately get what he wants. And it’s weird cause he’s never been allowed to to begin with so...
  9. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @marknjohson Yeah he’s actually being sedated right now cause he was just neutered but he’s still overly excited all the time even on meds, I did buy some calming chews for after so they should hopefully help but way before he was fixed he always ran excited at my so and whined if he couldn’t or...
  10. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @thoushaltnorkill We did find a trainer and she didn’t help much.. unfortunately most trainers here charge 2k for a bunch of sessions just up front and I’d have to pay per session that was the only one reasonable enough. I’ve been trying to do it myself by reinforcing that he won’t get anything...
  11. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @tke129 Yup he has all that he has strict schedules with training and walks and enrichment toys. He’s doing it when I have food, or when my so comes over and he excitedly wants to jump on them and I don’t allow it. Or if I leave the room to use the bathroom He also wants to go pee every hour at...
  12. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @thoushaltnorkill I mean he gets many walks and plays all day but if he can’t get to my so he immediately whines or if I leave he immediately whines and he’s a puppy only 6 months He kinda seems like a bratty toddler whining when he can’t get what he wants. He’ll have a bully stick or pig ear...
  13. H

    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    So I’ve done everything recommended before. Ignored the whining tried to train him that he gets good thing when he’s quiet. I’ve rewarded the calm. But he still whines and whines and whines Im autistic and the high pitch whine grates on me horribly and sets me off But no matter how much I try...