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  1. X

    Do you think it’s cruel to muzzle?

    @jools1981 No Tools are tools. It’s how you use them that matters. Desensitize the dog to the muzzle before you put it on him and it’s fine. Far superior to getting bit. Or eating poo. Avoiding confrontations is always going to be the best move. “Cruel” would be putting the dog in a...
  2. X

    AITA Grooming Edition?

    @brileemoot Your contract with your breeder gives you 3 days to get your dog checked out by a vet. 3 weeks is ridiculous You did well in handling this. I especially like how you said “if you’d like to continue to book…”. That’s the politest way of saying fuck off I’ve ever seen.
  3. X

    Do you think it’s cruel to muzzle?

    @xekuter Fair. Most owners don’t do their obedience homework, then they come back and tell you it didn’t work lol. I’m sure that’s true for what their groomers tell them as well.
  4. X

    Do you think it’s cruel to muzzle?

    @weakmadestrong Train it first with positive methods, then that doesn’t happen. A trained dog will associate the muzzle with getting rewards.
  5. X

    So do y’all have treats on you basically 24/7?

    @hobie21se Cheese shreds are your friend :)