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  1. M

    ACDs and hair

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Understood, but why does it have to continuously shed? (Sorry, my empirical evidence proves the “twice yearly” claim as bogus.)
  2. M

    ACDs and hair

    @baboo No lie - I’ve used her hair as body material to tie some trout flies. It works well! It’s oily enough to help dry flies float! But who needs 10 million trout flies…per year?
  3. M

    ACDs and hair

    @lee102 I’ll have to take a look at the Basenji mix. Basenjis aren’t very vocal, which I like more and more the older I get.
  4. M

    ACDs and hair

    I’ve had dogs as part of my household for the last 60ish years. Goldens, terriers, American Eskimo, Labs, mutts, chihuahuas, and now the second of two consecutive ACDs. IMO, the breed is generally the smartest, most adaptable, loyal, and most individual and original in personality of any of...