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    Dogs ate a PB&J

    @alabamawriter84 My dog has eaten half a tray of brownies and a bag of Hershey kisses (separate occasions). Totally fine and no symptoms. Your dog will be okay!
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    Adolescent Regression

    @philosophik Wanted to share our success with starting medication with our high-arousal adolescent puppy. Click here for the post I recently made.
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @outlawingrace Oops, that was poorly worded! I meant bring high-value treats to attempt a "sit" OR bring a toy to shove in her mouth. Sorrry!
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @outlawingrace I agree with others -- I don't think this is reactivity. It sounds like she has found a super fun way to deal with being overstimulated. Our 1.5-year-old puppy will get zoomies during some walks. Something will overstimulate him -- stepping on ice, walking through mud, getting...