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  1. C

    Name ideas for male heeler

    @candimarie You’re definitely right about the personality, I could end up with the opposite! But Riggs is a good one!
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    Name ideas for male heeler

    @countnergaroth I was thinking Zeke earlier after I posted this, cute idea!
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    Name ideas for male heeler

    @mbch I love viper!
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    Name ideas for male heeler

    @imagebeastmarkbeast That’s super cute! Never would’ve thought of that one!
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    Name ideas for male heeler

    @dceazy Ohhhhh yes! Nitro was one I once stumbled upon but forgot! I love that name a lot for the breed!
  6. C

    Name ideas for male heeler

    Hello, I’m currently living without a dog as I just finished up my second college degree and am finally ready to start my life! Of course than means a dog which will obviously be an ACD as that’s what I’ve had my entire life and I want a hiking buddy which they are great for. Anyways I’m looking...