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    @chess123mate A crate isn’t punishment if it’s not used as one. Start from the beginning w potty training. A trick that works for getting dogs to poo sometimes is turning them in tight small circles. I use my dogs leash and knee to guide him or when he’s ahead of me smelling i pull him from the...
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    Neighbour accused me of not picking up dog poop and threatened to film me

    @peacefan Omg dogs just sniff. I live in a major city and we can slow walk and my dog would take 30 minutes to do a block just sniffing away if I let him like he was Scooby Doo on patrol lol Just ignore this jerk. Don’t even look his way.
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    Puppy wakes us up at 6am every day by jumping on our bed and licking/clawing at our faces until we get up

    @sos2 Time will change things. Also crate training/crating the puppy. I’m sure you have but pushing her last potty break to later. I used to have to wake my dog for dinner and still do as an adult for last potty rounds to ensure he doesn’t try to get me to walk him at 2am. It’s really breed...
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    Can I carry my puppy around in a backpack style carrier when I’m running errands?

    @heliuscluster1 I did this when I had a little dog. My dad was a dog trainer and said some dogs really love being in backpacks like that even as adults. They get the view and to engage. I now own an 80 pound dog so no backpacks for him unless he’s wear it lol
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    My neighbours don’t treat their dog well, what can I do?

    @devandt You can call your local animal control. In my experience they’ve been easy to talk to. I had to call them and the non emergency police line a few months ago around 10pm and animal control was much more on top of it. I know in some cases they will go and talk to the people and check on...