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    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    @jstanoz sounds like a very clever boy! one day that'll be a good thing, just got to find a way to tire that brain out
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    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    @jstanoz obviously I don't know him at all but from what you've said it sounds like he's a really bright, high energy, and quite sensitive dog. walks alone are unlikely to be enough exercise for a lab/golden mix. do you have anywhere he can run, either off lead or on a long line? if you've...
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    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    @jstanoz sounds like he's bored and under exercised. when you said gone berserk I thought you meant he'd attacked someone, but this kind of destructive behaviour is a hallmark of boredom. if he's peeing in the house when you scold him, that could well be a fear response.
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    Neighbor keeps accusing me of leaving dog poop on her yard

    @angelicshadow I am honking with laughter at the idea of OP chapping on neighbour's door with a bag of poo going LOOK! SEE! IT'S DIFFERENT!!!
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    I think my dog is pregnant and I don't know what to do. Plan B?

    @whydontwe Plan B does not cause an abortion in humans, just by the way. it is to prevent pregnancy, not make an existing pregnancy go away.
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    Dog can’t get up after sedation

    @agoodfriend yeah I totally know that feeling. sounds like they are taking good care of him, fingers remain firmly crossed for you both
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    Dog can’t get up after sedation

    @agoodfriend that's really good! saw you got him to the animal ER, I think that was the right call even if only for your own peace of mind. crossing everything for you that it's just an unusually strong reaction to the sedative, and that you manage to get some sleep
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    Dog can’t get up after sedation

    @agoodfriend if he's still not peed you might have to express it for him, lots of guides on a google so I won't link you one but even if he's not feeling the urge (which is normal after sedation btw) his bladder will still need emptying