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  1. S

    My dog doesn't want to sleep in my room anymore

    @noco What happened when you took him downstairs? Was he immediately fine? Did you sleep downstairs with him? I'm sorry you're going through this. Sleep deprivation is the worst and you've clearly put a lot of effort into resolving the issue already.
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    Help me sleep train

    @norma9820 I think what you're doing in the morning makes sense. You aren't making it fun for her to get up early. I'm not sure what time you do dinner, but you could try moving dinner 30 min later and see if that makes a difference. I'm guessing you already let her out right before bed, but...
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    Help me sleep train

    @norma9820 I think this is normal. When you've tried later bedtime, how late did you try? What did you do with her before bed? What is your current routine when she wakes up that early? Both of my labs will sleep much later now (ages 3 and 4) than at 10 months old. That being said meal times...
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    I feel like my recall is rapidly declining

    @lionofgod90 I've had some success with a similar approach. I try to do pretty highly preferred treats for most recalls and then probably once per day something really high value. The dog knows she will always get something, but never knows when she will get am extra special surprise. Varying...
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    Anxious dog moved from house to apartment; barks when we leave; how do we stop it?

    @resolve413 It's only been 3 days and your dog has been through a lot of change. You may need to start from square 1 basically to get him comfortable with being alone there. If your parents are ok with it, I would leave him there during your workdays while you work on training him to be...
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    House Breaking Regression

    @eliquinn There's a lot of reasons this could happen. Can you provide more info related to the questions below? Is he having accidents in his crate when you're away? Or just when you're home? Have you noticed any preferences related to where he might prefer to potty outside? One of my dogs...