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  1. T

    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @davecb Thanks for your response 😊 In answer to your questions: He was on so many drugs (like 6 a day) that he was drooling everywhere, super spaced out and completely listless. His appetite was completely gone so he had more drugs to make him hungry. My guess is that the balance was not right...
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @aaronfrisien Thanks so much, you've helped more than I can say. That's a good question, I'll test that and see if he needs a good sesh to tire him out. My two dashies are lazy daisies but I'll make a point of tiring them out a bit. Great advice!
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @aaronfrisien It would have been maybe 3 weeks between meeting the noisy kid and my little nephew. Thanks, that's great advice and I'll definitely give that a go. Bite sized pieces makes perfect sense 😊 I'm also actively trying not to punish but to keep calm and correct the behavior with a...
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @holywalk Thanks, I'll look into that for sure. I guess it adds that extra bit of security as its closed off (i.e. it has "walls" and a "roof") that a bed doesn't have? I can put blankies and toys in there for him and make it a place he loves to retreat to. 😊
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @aaronfrisien Thank you so much for your response! My nephew was crawling around in my house but I definitely agree that bringing him to that friend's house was a mistake - I think I thought he had done so well that he could be in a new environment like that but I clearly misjudged it. I've...
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @holywalk Thanks so much 😊😊
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    @gd3001 I don't know that I've been pushing him but he has just displayed some great progress so I guess I overestimated how he would be. I just don't want him to be anxious in his own home if we have children so I would like to slowly build his confidence up for when we do have kids.
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    Will my rescue dachshund ever get used to small children?

    Hi all, we adopted a 6 year old dachshund (N) a year ago and he came to us because he struggled with kids. His previous owners had a young son (around 3 years old) and N would get so anxious/excited around the child that he would grab the child's clothes (the ones he was wearing), lock his jaw...