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  1. D

    my dog (5) is obsessed with a microwaveable heat pack and i don’t know why

    @brody03 O yes, socks. Only thing mine will guard if I would try to take it from him. Though luckily he will trade it foe high value treats... And we had to get a basket high on a shelf to put all worn socks in, or we would continuously lose them.
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    Aussie Physical Limits

    @thelordbeexalted91 As long as you don't think you can keep exhausting her and you are okay with needing to keep exercising her for the stamina you are building, it sounds like you are doing fine! Just pay attention to her body and whether she is doing well, and there's no reason you can't...
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    Aussie Physical Limits

    @thelordbeexalted91 What are you trying to do with the running? If you are trying to exhaust her so she sleeps: don't, you are only training her stamina. You need to make sure she gets enough mental stimulation (sniffing, puzzle toys, training etc) and focus on teaching her to settle, because...
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    Allergy test

    @lyndas Go back to your vet and ask about the pills and why he did not do anything else! And if you are not happy with this vet, go to another one who will help you discover what exactly is going on with your dog. There are no reliable allergy tests for food allergies, the ones on the market...