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  1. R

    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @truthandhope The whole comment by @searchin44 had some awesome resources! Just generally working on redirection with high value treats and learning about keeping them under threshold and scouting out walking areas that won’t back us into a corner have been awesome. I just got back from a...
  2. R

    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @ruzou Ohhhh interesting. I got him in college and socialized him a LOT because I was afraid of having a protective/aggressive GSD. Even now, I’ve always figured he just needs more socialization to help with that behavior but, maybe that’s fed into the problem! It’s also only in relation to...
  3. R

    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    I’ve got a German shepherd who is usually such a great dog! He always plays great with other dogs and has never shown any signs of aggression with new dogs, at least until he’s on a leash anyway. Every time he sees a new dog he has an almost compulsive desire to beeline straight to them and...