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  1. W

    What is the worst thing your puppy has ever done?

    @vrl Oh GOD. That’s got to be a pretty “great” runner up. At least he expelled it himself and saved you the trip and money to the vet. How you didn’t throw up I have no idea. I was GAGGING and on the verge of Passing away removing the deer from my friends house. We didn’t even bother trying to...
  2. W

    What is the worst thing your puppy has ever done?

    @jancs The look on the small child’s face was most likely similar to the look of horror and complete and utter defeat that came over our faces as we came home to a CSI Investigation.
  3. W

    What is the worst thing your puppy has ever done?

    @inbetweendreams We’re trying to get the video off of her camera of them getting it through the doggie door. 😂 It may be kinda of gruesome/gory so I might only include a snippet or a still. But mark my words once I get my hands on it and if it’s deemed appropriate I will be including some to...
  4. W

    What is the worst thing your puppy has ever done?

    Sort of a vent. Yet I’m sure I’ll find it funny in the future when the smell of rotten carcass is out of both my nostrils and my friends entire house. Today I went out to visit my friend who lives on several acres in the country. Her house has a doggie door in the kitchen and fence surrounding...