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  1. R

    10 month puppy growling & biting

    @alive22 Thank you for the suggestions!! Yesss, got to try n see what works for him!
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    10 month puppy growling & biting

    @alive22 Thank you for your reply!! Previously i tried to barter with him but he ended up swallowing what’s in his mouth in order to eat what I’m giving him. I think like the other Redditor mentioned, i need to toss the treat somewhere n hopefully he drops what’s in his mouth. On the grooming, i...
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    10 month puppy growling & biting

    @fieldofroses No, please don’t apologize. Thanks for suggesting! I’ve personally found engaging a trainer to be very helpful, i tried watching YouTube videos etc but i think sometimes a personalised training is useful as i couldn’t tell what i was doing wrong etc until the trainer pointed them...
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    10 month puppy growling & biting

    @fieldofroses I actually already had a trainer lol so he was worse previously in other aspects e.g general biting, after guidance from the trainer, it was better. But back then he hasnt exhibited this behavior. Let me see if i need to engage one again. Thanks!
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    10 month puppy growling & biting

    Hi, my 10 month old male maltipoo puppy has recently developed a habit of growling & biting me when he deems that I’m trying to take something away from him e.g something he’s biting or something in his mouth. And he also does this when I’m cleaning him & i do something he doesn’t enjoy e.g when...