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  1. S

    Is my dog suffering? Are we doing right by euthanizing him tomorrow?

    @inmoments No one wants to tell you this, mostly because we're not vets and we don't know anything about you or your dog, except what you've shared here. The doubt you're feeling is perfectly normal and any of us who has been through what you're going through right now has felt the same thing. I...
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    Brothers dog needs to be put out of her misery

    @mikethps%E2%80%A0 This is a no-win for the dog or your brother. But one thing I can guarantee is that taking things into your own hands is not a good call. Not sure if that's what you are maybe getting at in your question, but no matter how bad you may feel for the dog, that's a line I wouldn't...
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    Antibiotics and dogs

    @marco124 What I'm sharing here is my personal experience, and not the findings of any medical professional (although I've studied everything I can find so far and I am a skilled/trained researcher, I am not a veterinarian). But I'm going through this right now and I am not sure that anything is...
  4. S

    Antibiotics and dogs

    @marco124 Just curious, and please don't hold me to this as I am not a veterinarian. That would be your ideal source. It could be any of the things you called out, but testing is time and money consuming. But what are you using for heartworm prevention?