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    Christmas Morning in the E.R

    @momma701 ❤❤❤ we go back for a third time tomorrow morning for a bloodwork recheck to see if meds are working. As of rn, the tentative diagnosis is an infection of this digestive system. If his WBC doesn't improve then we should start to be worried about something longterm/serious.
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    Christmas Morning in the E.R

    @fl269fl269 We actually are back at the E.R vet this right now. I fed him chicken and rice per the vets advice and his stool went from normal to very dark, almost black. We called and they said to come back.. You're right though...the anti nausea meds definitely worked, he at least hasn't been...
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    Christmas Morning in the E.R

    Today was an unforgettable Christmas... At 2 a.m., I woke up to the sounds of JoJo retching. The contents of each pile (there were 4 this time) seemed to be a slurry of mostly digested food, mucous, and water. His last meal was 6.5 hours prior. We cleaned up the mess, gave JoJo some cuddles...