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  1. H

    My should I get my 9 y/o ACD’s fur cut?

    @laguna_greg Lol, she HATES water. If we are on a walk she might consider dipping her feet into a lake to get a drink but will not swim for any reason. She’ll even avoid walking through damp grass if she can. She has earned the name Princess
  2. H

    My should I get my 9 y/o ACD’s fur cut?

    @laguna_greg Thanks for the input! I will leave her fur alone!
  3. H

    My should I get my 9 y/o ACD’s fur cut?

    I’ve never cut my dog’s fur before because I had read that their fur helps them manage their body heat. However, this summer is proving to be a bit much for her. She can barely stand to be outside during the day (90F highs recently) for more than a few minutes and is laying on the AC vent...