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  1. J

    Puppy coughing and choking a lot

    Hello! Before I explain, I just want to say that we have brought her to the ER vet twice and have called our primary vet and scheduled the soonest appointment we could for him to see her. I'm just seeking further advice or assurance because I'm super worried about her. :( About a week ago our 5...
  2. J

    5 month old puppy coughing and choking very often

    @zrinka Basically just a physical exam and they said they tried to force her to cough and didn't have any luck. Both times they said that if we wanted her to have any further procedures done she'd have to be admitted overnight for the surgeon to be able to put her at the front of the line to get...
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    5 month old puppy coughing and choking very often

    @sakranomoko Thank you, I'll make sure to ask the vet to take a close look for that on her next visit. I really hope it isn't that. :(
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    5 month old puppy coughing and choking very often

    @kiddoleknocker Our baby is a beagle mix as well! Maybe it's something common in the breed.
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    5 month old puppy coughing and choking very often

    @carlisle1997 Thank you so much, I really hope it's something as simple as that. All the vets have been saying that it's probably not allergies because she's so young and hasn't been exposed to enough to even develop them. Not really sure how accurate that is though. Hope your pups are doing well!
  6. J

    5 month old puppy coughing and choking very often

    Hello! Before I explain, I just want to say that we have brought her to the ER vet twice and have called our primary vet and scheduled the soonest appointment we could for him to see her. I'm just seeking further advice or assurance because I'm super worried about her. :( About a week ago our 5...