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  1. M

    I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

    @petros2015 I’m doing Indiana to Vegas! My girlfriend and I just made the same trip a month ago with our cat who had never even left the apartment unless it was a trip to the vet. But she (the cat) was great, and we didn’t have a single problem in the rental truck or in hotels. I’m hoping my dog...
  2. M

    I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

    @ginaxmill He does fine in a crate, which I’ll have with me. But I don’t plan on leaving the hotel room at all. It’s gunna be a simple check in, fall asleep, check out in the morning type of situation. Great advice about the documentation too. Much appreciated.
  3. M

    I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

    @mamaweems5 Thank you for this. I just got off the phone with my vets office and they’ll have anti-nausea and mild sedatives ready for pick up tomorrow. I’d rather have them and not need them, than need them and not have them.
  4. M

    I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

    @tke129 I think I'll def go with the nausea meds from the get go and reevaluate on sedatives once we're a few hours in.
  5. M

    I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

    I’ve got a harness to keep him safe and strapped in, and he’ll have his bed, favorite toys, and blanket the whole time. I bought some collapsible food and water bowls the other day, and of course I’ll have all normal items like food, leashes and poop bags. He’s never been in the car with me...