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    9-Year-Old Mastiff/Rottweiler mix Food advice

    @fedor Perfect! Thanks for the help!!! I will do that any worry less about him not being his young self! I just was worried something was wrong with him internally, but he is just getting old!
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    9-Year-Old Mastiff/Rottweiler mix Food advice

    @fedor We feed him 2 cups in the morning, usually around 7-8 AM, and then feed him 2 cups again around 6-7 PM. He has been great but this last year he has kind of just started to not eat as much. We had to get those bowls that help you slow down their eating because he would eat so fast, but...
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    9-Year-Old Mastiff/Rottweiler mix Food advice

    @servadac Thank you for your advice!! Love the reddit community!! You guys have helped a lot!!
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    9-Year-Old Mastiff/Rottweiler mix Food advice

    @servadac Thank you for your thoughts! That is good info! We have an appointment on Monday. Our vet is also an animal chiropractor, so we will have him look at him in every aspect, whether an adjustment will help him or what we need to do to help him. We are also going to ask him about his food...
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    9-Year-Old Mastiff/Rottweiler mix Food advice

    Hello, I am currently on the hunt to find a food that my "old man" will eat. He used to be a dog that wanted to eat anything and everything. Though, as he has gotten older he has gotten more and more stubborn with his food. I have changed it a couple of times and he loves it at first, but then...