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    Need Help - Traveling with my dog for the first time

    @kateee71 Agreed. The only flight options I’ve found have been in cargo and I refuse to do that. I looked into trains, but they all have a 20lb weight limit.
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    Need Help - Traveling with my dog for the first time

    Need Help - Traveling with my Bully I have a 3 y/o male standard American Bully that weighs 80-85 pounds. I’d love to travel with him for Christmas instead of dropping him off with family locally. We would be going from Los Angeles to Miami, but I’ve had a hard time with travel options. I’m...
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    Ethical Breeding

    @mrjobosco Crossbreeding bullies is stupid and taking unnecessary steps backwards. There’s already enough quality stock out there for breeders to choose from. Why try to reverse engineer the breed? Half of the issues with bullies are created from idiots trying dumb stuff like that.
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    First Breeding Upcoming

    UPDATE: I didn't go through with the breeding. I felt uneasy doing it in such a tight time-frame. We will be doing additional testing then going forward with the breeding on her next cycle if all future testing checks out.
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    First Breeding Upcoming

    @addie1257 I appreciate the insight. I would like an outside view on risk assessment. I made this post because I am having second thought because of the timeframe moving up so soon. I’m taking everything into consideration
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    First Breeding Upcoming

    @lumiere The contract we have allows me the right to take over ownership of any pups that would be given up for adoption. They would have a loving home with me if we have to cross that bridge. Thank you for your insight!
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    First Breeding Upcoming

    @katy777 Thanks for the input!
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    First Breeding Upcoming

    @busryde Good call!
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    First Breeding Upcoming

    @davecb Thank you for that! Infectious diseases weren't on my radar. Probably should have added this to the posting, but both dogs have been Embark tested and there aren't any genetic red flags out there.
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    First Breeding Upcoming

    @iwely I’m pretty well into that process and I’ve covered all of the points you raise. I’m hesitant because of the mating window coming up faster than anticipated. Im a measure twice and cut once guy, but I don’t want to lose my shot with this female. I have a lot of thinking to do. Thank you...
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    First Breeding Upcoming

    I own a 2.5 y/o American Bully and will be breeding him for the first time in a week. I've been wanting a pup off of my boy and came across a guy with a beautiful female. He told me that she should be coming in heat in the next few months, but it turned out to be about a month later. I wasn't...