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  1. O

    Help a new acd owner

    @iampassionate I did that with my pup and it TOTALLY helps! Plus, it sets them up for a lifetime of good relationships with other dogs - they learn early on how to be polite, respect other dogs, listen to their body language, etc. also it’s adorable to see them play! My pup was a...
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    Puppy sick, reassurance please?

    @mn_of_stl Sending you all the best. It’s SO stressful when they get sick. You’ve gotten a lot of good advice here, and I hope she perks back up quickly. I know that, when my older pup was very sick, not taking water for a long time was certainly a sign of that. It seems like you know that if...
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    Help a new acd owner

    Oh, and one thing you can start now is “capturing” good behavior. I love this trick. On the (rare) occasion that your puppy is being good - maybe laying by herself, being quiet in her crate, or self-entertaining, just silently go over and drop her a treat without engaging with her more. Anytime...
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    Help a new acd owner

    @iampassionate You’ve just gotta get through it. As a new puppy owner I was absolutely distraught, was convinced she was a biter for life, and I tried literally EVERYTHING. the only thing that helped was using the crate to my advantage - make sure the pup gets used to the crate and accepts it...
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    When did your pup stop eating everything?

    @withwonderingawe I look forward to the day when my dog loses the conviction that her primary directive is to seek & destroy stray objects on the floor.