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  1. S

    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @a2ai Same. After work I take care of my dogs by feeding and potty, then they get to play. They get about 2 hours snd then I focus on me
  2. S

    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @a2ai Same about the vet. Why would they say that? OP you might need a new vet.
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    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @igbokwe Oh, you took it from him. I wouldn’t do that to a new dog in the house because you don’t really know his temperament yet.
  4. S

    Dog doesn’t trust/like me nearly 6 months in

    @unknown404 This sounds like Thursday Dodger. He was a foster fail and the only reason I fostered him was because I worked at my local humane society and when he was finally placed on adoption floor, his soul looked like it left his body so I said I’d foster him. He never interacted with my dogs...