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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @joannsak Would it help me with my back pain, LOL?
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    1.7 year old dog

    @hisholykingdom Have you trained him with off? I used off with my Springer Spaniel who was a world class jumper. After off, usually came sit, and then rewards with petting. And does your son also have practice with these commands? Your son also needs to be taught how to command the dog and to...
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @joannsak Well it was the only way the poor thing got to run. Dog didn't have a fenced yard. 🫠
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @joannsak I can't answer that for you. My dogs were never off leash except in the backyard. There were no dogparks even. Goldie got out a few times bc Collies gotta wander. We would not have been around for the stim. My Cherubino never even tried to take off. I'm not sure he even thought about...
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @joannsak I really can't judge. In some cases, it's the only way to legally walk the dog off lead. Just promise to keep it on low settings, please!
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @joannsak I presented an example of why people see something a certain way bc OP invited discourse. Whether or not something is aversive can be answered by asking if it causes some discomfort to the dog when making a correction. A balanced trainer uses mild aversives as corrections and also...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @caelesto I mean 1 year old...
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    Fosters claim issues I’m not seeing

    @sodaboy lol, my sister-in-law's collie butt nips to herd me and play nipped my arm when I when to get him after being tied out. The dog adores me.
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @joannsak I did not say anywhere that you shouldn't. I personally would rather use a whistle, that means me.
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @nobodyuknow I thought the discourse was welcome, OP invited it. Even something used correctly can still be an aversive negative reinforcer. Just because it's aversive doesn't make it outright cruel. But the woman using the ecollar without clarity was cruel and it wasn't necessary in her...
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @jasdksdc I see a point that if you want to allow your dog off lead, you need a recall method. And in some places, off leash is allowed with an ecollar. I don't think walking off lead is safe in city environments. E collars can be used in a painful manner. The LIMA argument is that stim is...