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  1. L

    Brainstorming Ideas for Low Stamina/High Energy Dog

    @fredothegreat Nosework is a great idea. In addition have you done any trick training? Shaping tricks really tires out my old guy. It’s fun to see what you can come up with from a lying down position to make it easier on them - cross paws, cover your eyes, chin rest, smack lips etc. The other...
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    Please stop sending your puppies to doggie daycare w/ the expectation that they’re going to receive training while there

    @heartfire How do you address this with owners? Do you ever let owners know their dog is not a good fit for daycare?
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    eCollars Save Lives

    @unlitmikey I’ll preface this with saying I don’t believe in e-collar bans. This is a disingenuous argument. Dogs blow through e-collar stims all the time, they’re not some magical failsafe that removes all risk. They also need to be on the dog to work. Your “dog gets loose in an unfamiliar...
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    Mixing Brands?

    @onthemove31 As a counterpoint, Linda Case of Dog Food Logic who has an MS in animal nutrition and taught university courses (ETA: undergrad courses) on it for many years recommends rotating brands. In this case I’d definitely recommend talking to your vet to ensure the therapeutic nature of...