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  1. J

    I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

    @kate22 Ive messed up so many times in my 11 year career lol it’s totally normal! If clients are angry or mean about a mistake, I’d love to see how ✨perfect✨ they are. My tattoo artist messed up on me!!! Her arm kind of spasmed as she was leaning in and the needle slipped near my ditch and we...
  2. J

    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod Do it. We love you for this. I wish more owners thought this way. They deserve to feel good as long as possible! And as a groomer, I charge LESS for shavedowns versus an attachment comb, personally lol. (:
  3. J

    How much would you charge for this beautiful boy?

    @cazamal This is like a $90 USD service at my salon. That’s a ton of hair. More if there’s any trimming.