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    The Tale of Rescue by Michael J. Rosen Kids Book

    Hi ACD lovers! I wanted to share this adorable kids book I just read called The Tale of Rescue. It's on amazon - but the way I found it is because the Ohio Cattle Dog Rescue Team is having a fundraiser by selling the book. I really like the OCDRT, they are a great org. Bonus! Picture of Pepper...
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    Taking our puppy to the lake for the first time..

    @noel25 Good point on the weight rating.
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    Taking our puppy to the lake for the first time..

    @kate930 We own both of those things! I know a lot of dog owners are anti retractable leash. This one is rated to a 110# dog and she's not yet 30#.
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    Taking our puppy to the lake for the first time..

    Any advice for safety of the dog? She's 6 months old and we've had her 2 months. She's not fantastic on her recall yet so she's almost always leashed even in the backyard. We're taking her up to a lake house this weekend. Is it wise to keep her on a leash as she goes into the water or let her...