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    *URGENT* Please tell me Im not crazy and this isn't normal!?

    @justiniun I know you said you can’t leave but I would. This place sounds like it can get you in trouble. Like… some of this shit sounds career ending.
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    Grooming 4 - 5 dogs down to 3? Not speed

    @sunee1 I remember one of my coworkers telling me to stop if it looks good enough. I took it the wrong way. I realize what she meant now. She was trying to tell me to stop nitpicking.
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    it took me all day to do 3 dogs…

    @jaikyuveh I’m so slow. Someone told me time was money so I have just decided to work later. It kinda helps. Sometimes I run early because I don’t have the pressure of a time crunch.
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    Anyone rehome a dog they love? How are things now that it’s over?

    @crissedechris My second oldest passed away so I’m down to 4. I miss him terribly, but it’s also a little less crazy lol four is my max, but I would also prefer just one.
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    Anyone rehome a dog they love? How are things now that it’s over?

    @crissedechris My family will bring in puppies with no thought. Then they transition into their toddler phase and they don’t want them anymore. But my family doesn’t like taking dogs to the shelter so they end up in my house instead. At one point, I had seven dogs in my house and I was losing...
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    Those Who Have Left the Industry …

    @mutambo Thanks for the info! Sincerely! I hope you enjoy yourself up there(:
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    Those Who Have Left the Industry …

    @mutambo I always dreamed of moving and working in Alaska when I was younger but I had no money saved up. Maybe I’ll make a goal out of it. Just pack my pups up and start a new job up there.
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    What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?

    @beta2 I hate grooming them because I’m a small person. And I don’t know why, maybe it’s the language I use, but I cannot get the customers to understand that if the dog is overweight, the haircut might have to be broken into multiple sessions. Their knees are probably on fire, I’m not gonna...
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    I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

    @kate22 I hope you don’t tell yourself that this means you aren’t meant for this job. Or that you have to quit. No one was hurt and, although it might be slightly inconvenient to bring the puppy back, at least no one is hurt. These are harmless mistakes in my opinion. Hair grows back.
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    I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

    @kate22 Unless your boss has a history of overreacting, I’d say you are okay. Also, you had to go the hospital! Go home and rest😢
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    I think I’m gonna quit or get fired

    @kate22 I’m not sick but my dog is sick so I’m worried sick and I did the a 7 on a schnauzer that doesn’t get the normal schnauzer cut. So I feel you.
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    Am I Overreacting?

    @wharley Oh my gawd this is the second post where the client hasn’t gotten vaccines for their dogs. There is a respiratory illness going around! Absolutely not! You should not do this dog. Don’t even get me started on the rabies vaccine.
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @rachel24 That’s what I’m saying! I doubt they have an easy time themselves so how are you gonna expect this tiny person to do it? By snapping her fingers??
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    Would you..

    @mccra76 Fuck no. That poor baby needs a vet.
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    I’m sick of obese dogs

    @beta2 Worst is when you are a small person and this 200 pound guy is expecting you to maneuver his 150 pound overweight dog
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    Advice for someone looking to become a groomer? I don’t know where to start but I want to put in the effort!

    @davekool182 I wouldn’t work at Petsmart. I work at Petsmart right now and it is brutal. Especially since I work at one of the busiest stores in the state. Here’s the rundown: You start out as a bather. Depending on how fast you pick things up, it could be anywhere from 3-6 months before they...
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    Those Who Have Left the Industry …

    @dante116 I haven’t left because I don’t hate it yet. I think I am experiencing burn out though. However, I have been trying really hard to learn to let go of things if I feel like they aren’t working out. I’ll give it my best shot, but I’m not gonna kill myself to make something work.
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @otfl4jah I don’t get as much doodles as you, but I just made a post complaining about doodles. I am sorry. It sucks. I love my job, but it is definitely a strain. I have been dealing with a wrist injury for several months now. Ice, physical therapy, etc. It sucks. I hope things get better for...
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    Today a woman made a complaint about me

    @snorks4lyfe Yikesss…. I feel bad for that dog. He is probably the way he is because of her.
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    AITA Grooming Edition?

    @rustedbeef True! Yeah, this lady was reaching…