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    No barking?

    @jluponeage My ACD doesn’t bark unless he is chasing off coyotes. He will do an alarm bark in certain situations when someone makes a knocking sound, etc, but it’s just a few seconds. I do think sometimes it takes a while to settle into the idea that they are really home and that they need to...
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    PSA: If you think to yourself “doing x-activity would be a pain with a puppy”..

    @tiiira I have taken our puppy to many brunches and gatherings. I warn people ahead of time but no one is ever like OMG HOW INCONVENIENT AN ADORABLE PUPPY. They would, however, most likely be inconvenienced by a large, rambunctious, unsocialized dog joining us... so as OP stated, I’ve made it...
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    Breed Popularity

    @jenfer I have never heard of these! Cool, thanks for sharing, OP!
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    Is my dog getting enough??

    @meisje How old is your new dog and do you know anything about his history? Do you work 5 days a week? Do you do more or less with him on the weekend?