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    AITA Grooming Edition?

    @brileemoot NTA
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    My puppy won't stop eating poop, it's ruining my relationship with my fiancé

    @givemeareason It is not harmless behavior. There are so many diseases and parasites your puppy could pick up from eating poop. You need to pay better attention and keep her from getting at the poop, it sounds like your fiancée is the only one attempting to keep this from happening.
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    diarrhea in 2m/o

    @pronobis My dog got diarrhea a LOT as a puppy. Like A LOT a lot. Just when I thought we were through it, he'd have me up every hour on the hour through the night. Being an anxious person, I would call our vet anytime it lasted over 24 hours. Our vet never advised to keep him from drinking...