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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @eerffy She is very good with sit, stay, come, and crate. We are working on other commands every day.
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @lightlovehope This is reassuring, thank you! I may be expecting too much too soon. Hoping they get better together with time and persistence.
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @rachel_lynn07 We have multiple barriers up that block the puppy into 1-2 rooms (we also have a toddler, so we already had barriers in place. Sometimes she bust through them or jump over them to get to the cat. Hopefully with time things will get better. Thanks!
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @rachel_lynn07 Wow, your pup and kitty are gorgeous! I can't even imagine my two sitting together like that, lol. Hopefully we'll get there one day!
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @joannabrazeal We have tons of shelving, cat castles, hideaway boxes, and various routes around the house for the cat in addition to baby gates blocking the dog into a couple rooms. The dog will sometimes just the gates or plow through them, but not very often. Like I said in my OP I will not be...
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @windguru Thank you! We will start using the "leave it" command with the cat. Seems like consistency and patience is the key. Glad your pups and cats are getting along!
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @budsmama Thank you for your input. This is actually super encouraging and gives me hope! I don’t need them to be best friends, but look forward to a day where they can at least coexist semi-peacefully!
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @occanondenomchurch Yeah... hoping we can find a happy balance with her instincts. Thank you!
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @fawou I'll have to try the clicker - many people have suggested that, thank you! Trying to avoid the tethering if possible as we have a young toddler running around. If all else fails we will try that though.
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @allbutnone That seems to be a big part of the issue. Our cat flees when she sees the dog coming, which definitely makes the situation worse. She has tons of cat castles, shelving, and hideaway furniture. I'll have to try the flirt pole. That has been a common suggestion. Seems like time...
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @theyownus This is my cat exactly! She's a calico and I swear sometimes she's trying to egg the dog on. I'll have to try a flirt pole. Many have suggested that. Thank you!
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @kylo28 I did not know about the rebellious streak around this age. That definitely seems like partly what is happening. I'll talk to the trainer about coming here for a session. Thank you for the tips!
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @fickles These are all great tips, thank you! I’ll talk to the trainer about coming to us next visit. The cat is due for a visit next month for her annual check up, so that’s good timing.
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    @fickles We’ve been doing the training once a week since we got her, so about 8 sessions now. The trainer hasn’t come to our house - we go to her facility. She gets tons of mental/physical stimulation. We live on five fenced acres, so she gets to run around to her hearts content. My in-laws...
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    6 month old puppy OBSESSED with our cat. I’m feeling defeated

    We recently adopted a six month old puppy (husky/cattle dog mix, have had her about two months). Over the last few weeks she has become increasingly OBSESSED with our resident cat (9 years old, have had for 9 years). Any time she sees her (the cat) she goes crazy and chases her endlessly trying...