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  1. V

    E-collar correction

    @kyfisher1 I haven’t edited anything. You responded to me with a random hypothetical. Even if the owner had said that, it doesn’t explain the trainer giving advice as trash as this.
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    E-collar correction

    @kyfisher1 If my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a bus
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    E-collar correction

    @eve_marie My friend, if you’re not familiar that there are ways to prevent or replace behavior that don’t involve cranking up the amp/volt of static electric charge to the dog’s neck, it’s probably not going to be me, on Reddit, who helps you understand that. I sincerely wish you the best of...
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    E-collar correction

    @eve_marie Nope. Using an ecollar at an increasingly higher setting in the absence of the owner. IAABC consultants have expertise in effectively reducing unwanted behavior using actual evidence based methods, correction or not. Hope that helps!
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    E-collar correction

    @nhuluong Damn, you had a little athlete! I secure my trash with bear clips and keep it inside a cupboard when I have a foster. Some of them are great problem solvers.
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    E-collar correction

    @skilletboy You need to put your trash and your food in a safe, inaccessible place. How is a small dog even physically capable of reaching those things. Once you’ve done that, you need to fire your trainer and hire a new one. Preferably one with IAABC accreditation. You’ve received some really...