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    Do Yours like seafood? If so, what's their favourite?

    @truthseekerisabeau sweet. She's got you trained. :)
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    Do Yours like seafood? If so, what's their favourite?

    @truthseekerisabeau Peeled or whole?
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    Do Yours like seafood? If so, what's their favourite?

    @periwinklegwu Had never heard of bluefish before. Just googled. Seems like there's two different types. Whichever one/they are, your heeler was a lucky dog.
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    Do Yours like seafood? If so, what's their favourite?

    @kcklahmad Our vet recently suggested we give our girl dried seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (a particular species of seaweed) for her dental health.
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    Do Yours like seafood? If so, what's their favourite?

    My 14 y.o. F bluey x beagle loves squid (as well as all seafood she's tried). Lucky her, she's having a fresh squid smoothy for dinner tonight. With ink on the side. Thank you Cockburn Sound.