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  1. A

    [Discussion] Is it time to put my dog down? M[8]

    @pcdirectuk I'm sorry, this is an awful decision to have to make. Dogs are really good at hiding pain and discomfort, odds are if he's screaming two or three times a week it's still unpleasant the rest of the time. He seems ok a lot of the time and it feels wrong to have him put to sleep when...
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    What do you guys think about this device?

    @kayzee It's an aversive, like spraying your dog with water to get them to stop barking. It's not violent like hitting your dog but it's relying on them really not liking the sound and will only work as intended for some dogs. Far more reliable to either put the barking on command and then...
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    Vent on rehoming

    @atheistinheaven I don't think we have enough info to determine if this was a 'kind of nippy' issue or a 'we've made only a tiny amount of progress in 6 months and I didn't want to admit things were going poorly but this isn't something I can continue to handle from a full grown dog' issue. Lots...