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    Getting puppy to chill the F out?

    @powersforgood Yes, I've been using an e-collar, but only for recall, heel and stop commands while outside. I haven't used it for any behavioral stuff indoors.
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    Getting puppy to chill the F out?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Never considered that. I always thought taking away what he wasn't supposed to chew on, and giving him what was ok to chew on was the correct move.
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    Getting puppy to chill the F out?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast He knows the command, but it's getting him to stay there for anything over 15 seconds that's difficult...any resources to accomplish this?
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    Getting puppy to chill the F out?

    I've got a 10mo old Weim. He's a great dog when we are outside. Knows his commands inside and out. Sticks right next to me on our runs, recall is excellent, doesn't take off after rabbits or birds....inside the house is a completely different story. He won't ever sit still no matter how much...