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  1. I

    Help a new acd owner

    @1wupscy Yeah a routine seems to be very important. And yes she also gets very „angry“ if she is hungry. We need to try and stick to regular nap times! Thank you
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    Help a new acd owner

    @mjiztight2345 Yeah the yelping didn’t work at all for us. Maybe we can redirect her Energy to something similar like you. Thank you.
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    Help a new acd owner

    @leolioness1984 Thank you! Yeah I don’t care much if she isn’t cuddly . I want exactly what you said: a companion that likes to work and do stuff. Want her to go on multi day hikes with me and other adventures. And we still figuring out what she really likes as a reward and what’s her favorite...
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    How should I greet my dog when I get home?

    @adriennelisa „Hi, how was your day?“ :)
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    Help a new acd owner

    @thechristianhippie Thanks for the advice. We are working on crate training her. I’m not mad if she isn’t very cuddly . I like her as a companion either way. Right now it’s just very hard to know how to make her happy. I think because we don’t have experience, the bitting was very scary. But...
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    Help a new acd owner

    @toseiwe Thanks! Will check it out :)
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    Help a new acd owner

    @elinternational Thanks! The yelping is quite difficult as she seems to get fired up more. We will try to find the right sound ^ Yeah we are working on create training. Dividing the meals like that is a good point. Maybe we try that. In the evening she is always much hungrier so maybe this...
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    Help a new acd owner

    @mrfuture Yeah I try to praise her more often when she is not rough or is just behaving quietly. Thank yoz
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    Help a new acd owner

    @godmysavior26 Yeah I believe that too. It’s really hard sometimes. Thank you.
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    Help a new acd owner

    @aurablu Thank you! Yeah we started to go to a puppy meeting yesterday. Hopefully they she will learn to not be to rough from the other puppies:)
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    Help a new acd owner

    @charlesagrit Thank you! The yelp seems to fire her up more. It seems like this works for some but not all. At least judging by the comments here and in other posts. We try to turn away and also a NO. Hope it gets better. Oh and we started to go to a puppy meeting were she hopefully will learn...
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    Help a new acd owner

    @oblivionxx Thank you! Yeah we started crate training and using it for her to come down and sleep. Also we started going to puppy meeting so she can learn some consequences from other puppies when she gets to rough :). Many say this should also help.
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    Help a new acd owner

    @oblivionxx Thanks! We started doing that because of your comment. I think this is a great way. Really hope it helps. Thank you for your help!
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    Help a new acd owner

    @lululala Yea, that’s what i got reading about that topic. A lot of different opinions and approaches. What helps is that everyone says it will get better. We will try our best :)
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    Help a new acd owner

    @lululala Thanks. The „don’t run her to hard“ part is kinda hard to figure out (I’m mean the right amount of activities). I read many posts here bevor asking. Problem is there are many many different opinions and you don’t really see results very quick so you don’t know if you need to keep doing...
  16. I

    Help a new acd owner

    @lee102 Hey thanks. We tried but seems to fire her up more. But maybe we do it not correct. Maybe we figure it out. Hope soon :)
  17. I

    Help a new acd owner

    @078956 The loud yipping noise unfortunately doesn’t work at all. She gets more exited. It’s seems like this works for some but not all. Thank you though!
  18. I

    Help a new acd owner

    @hopeforme Yeah we do crate training. And yes it’s no sunshine at all .. Thanks for the encouragement!
  19. I

    Help a new acd owner

    @slaveofgodreturns Thank you for the encouragement! Although It’s really hard to believe that, as you can imagine. How old was your dog when you started? Thank you for the video. I really hope we can learn from it.
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    Help a new acd owner

    Hello, Sorry for all the errors and bad use of phrasing, English is my second language. my partner and I got a acd puppy (9 weeks old). She is great but a handful. We wanted to ask for advice regarding her and our behavior. She bites a lot and It’s hard to know if she need sleep or is bored...