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  1. M

    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @liquidius I dropped it 😅 I literally ordered a cushion mat that same day to go into my station and it slipped out of my hands when I was sliding it off and broke the blade tooth AND my #2 comb guard with it on the concrete floor. I ordered replacements for them both and thanked the stars it was...
  2. M

    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Oh I know I already ordered a new one and hav back ups I just didn’t know if you can recycle them since it seemed like a waste of good steel to throw them away. Some people suggested giving them to my sharpener to see if he recycles them!
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @liquidius Oooh will do!
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @1nttoservejesus Oh maybe one day I’ll get a pair of them! I want a cordless pair so bad but I just started my shop so it’s not in the budget yet haha good to know though!
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @futuretrainee I have a couple of friends who do metal work so I’ll ask them if my sharpener doesn’t recycle them
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @futuretrainee Yeah this is the actually comb part that broke otherwise I would’ve replaced it! Thanks though ☺️
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @futuretrainee Damn I was thinking the same but I feel bad you’d think since they’re steel they’d have a way to recycle them
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @7bjoern7 Will do! The cutter is fine it’s the blade comb that lost some teeth I just didn’t want all the steel to go to waste!
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @cigartigher Oh perfect! I’m seeing mine this weekend I’ll have to ask him if he does that! I would hate for all the steel to go to waste thank you!!!
  10. M

    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    I broke a tooth on my 30 blade today and I wanna know what y’all do with em when they’re broken!