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  1. G

    Another success! 5th one in less than 2 weeks after 7 months of hell.

    @authormargaretrosefrancis I'm so happy to hear that y'all are having success too!! I was very nervous that it wouldn't work and we would be stuck trying every single medication available to find one that worked. My girl is a working breed so she is by far the most intelligent dog I have ever...
  2. G

    Another success! 5th one in less than 2 weeks after 7 months of hell.

    @suomisidney Well, not surprisingly it is way more expensive in my area than others if I go to a regular pharmacy. When I use the link sent to me by my vet it is around $15 a month if I buy 90 of the Reconcile. Normally it's like $30 per month if I don't use their specific link and buy the 90...
  3. G

    Another success! 5th one in less than 2 weeks after 7 months of hell.

    @suomisidney It was between the 31st and the 32nd dose. It was literally like a switch had been flipped in her brain. One day she was still being reactive towards our friend downstairs in our duplex and the next day she was happy to see him and was letting him pet her and give her treats. She is...
  4. G

    Another success! 5th one in less than 2 weeks after 7 months of hell.

    Well, this was our first happy visit and it has left me speechless. My sweet Artemis was finally able to be sweet with 2 total strangers for the first time ever. They filled her up with cheese and turkey treats! It got to the point that she stopped taking the treats. They even had me remove her...
  5. G

    Is your dog affecting your decision to have kids?

    @dlmoodyfan I adopted a 4 year old 85lbs female Plott Hound and Mastiff mix who is extremely reactive and has a strong prey drive about 5 months ago without much thought of the consequences. She has spent most of her life in the same shelter and I'm a bleeding heart who is single with little...
  6. G

    Is it our time for professional help?

    @hugues You are doing such a good job with him! Keep it up, I feel like you have this handled and don't need a professional! You are doing everything, and you are doing it correctly. That is so amazing that you are already seeing a positive change in his behavior. You are an inspiration to my...