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  1. C

    Advice needed: I'm pregnant and dealing w/ a senior GSD with fecal incontinence

    @dcyshy Yeah, it's completely random. Sometimes morning, sometimes while I'm at work, and sometimes in the middle of the night. We've been trying to limit her to the garage most of the day, especially since it's been warmer. Keeping her outside a lot for more than a few minutes at a time...
  2. C

    Advice needed: I'm pregnant and dealing w/ a senior GSD with fecal incontinence

    @dcyshy No, it's pretty solid but it just seems to fall out of her. Even she seems surprised by it.
  3. C

    Advice needed: I'm pregnant and dealing w/ a senior GSD with fecal incontinence

    @camillecosby He'll absolutely need to come to the vet with me, I can't get her in the car by myself. But yes this had crossed my mind. Thank you for the response
  4. C

    Advice needed: I'm pregnant and dealing w/ a senior GSD with fecal incontinence

    @nilo74 I'll have to see if my husband will go for it, any suggestions on brand?
  5. C

    Advice needed: I'm pregnant and dealing w/ a senior GSD with fecal incontinence

    We have a female 12.5 yr old GSD who has had issues with fecal incontinence since Feb 2023. When it started, it was maybe once a week. Now it's 6-8 times a week, sometimes multiple times per day, and sometimes within 5 minutes of her having been outside. It's pretty clear that she can't control...