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  1. H

    guilty about not treating my dog right

    @pawkiki Its a nice story to read. It's in a way so easu to make our pups happy, right? Our love, our time with them.
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @prhasda You know what worries me here. I have a feeling that OP didn't provide us with complete information. I find it very strange that vet, behaviourist, and breeder - all come with BE. It's a super strange decision for 8 mo puppy with the only resource guarding issue. I mean, why don't...
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    guilty about not treating my dog right

    @amusingmargaret I wanted to say that it's so heartwarming to read that you do care for your dog. Now, when you are older, you can do more for him. It's so great thar you sacrifice some morning sleep to walk with him. I'm sure he is happy to spend this time with you. Do you have the possibility...
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @goodbadugly I think that the purpose of this is to be able to safely take something from a dog's mouth, which can be potentially dangerous. For OP's dog, the muzzle training would be a good option. At least, it guarantees that the dog will not take something from the ground. I have a pug and...
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    Enough is enough

    @jackih After realising that my pup is reactive (I swear, I didn't know before it exists), I started searching for information thar would help us. After I saw two YouTube videos about the same issues (dog-to-dog reactivity), where were given two absolutely opposite advices, I made an assumption...
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    Is it our time for professional help?

    @gloveanlee Thank you so much for the kind words! I looked at my post, and I couldn't believe that it was written only 16 days ago. My pup is so much better in this very short period of time! Today, we were watching two boys playing football 15 meters from us. And he was JUST watching. 16 days...
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    Enough is enough

    @jackih What else do I want to add about these short videos. Come on, every one of us can make a 30 sec. video where our reactive dog will behave perfectly. These videos are not representative. The same as this perfect perfect perfect life which many people present in their social media. I...
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    Is it our time for professional help?

    I'm looking for advice if I should search for professional help with my pup. I will start with some background and will describe the behavioural issues and how do we work on those. My pup is 8 mo male pug. Not spayed as our vet so far doesn't see the indications for it. He didn't show any...