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    F golden retriever & M German shepherd. Who do I spay/neuter first?

    @oncemore I might consider this. I feel like I need to speak to an expert vet about all this. Lol
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    F golden retriever & M German shepherd. Who do I spay/neuter first?

    @notw530 Thank you for your answer. The golden retriever is mine, the German shepherd is my partners we didn't plan on getting two dogs, we were planning on one, then when we got her she was so connected with me and he decided he wanted his own dog instead of sharing, hence we got a second one...
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    F golden retriever & M German shepherd. Who do I spay/neuter first?

    @fatalfantasy I'll try to get the least invasive surgery for her and definitely give space for her to recover if I were to spay her before heat. I feel there are not good enough health benefits with neutering the German shepherd now. It seems to benefit him a lot more to wait.
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    F golden retriever & M German shepherd. Who do I spay/neuter first?

    @siamus2k14 Any specific reason?
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    F golden retriever & M German shepherd. Who do I spay/neuter first?

    I have two puppies of the opposite gender. Female golden retriever and male German shepherd. They are reaching 4 months shortly. Female is 10 days older then the Male. I see so much mixed advice on the internet regarding the breeds and spaying/neutering and the vet just tells me they can do...