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  1. J

    I’m Scared I’ve Ruined My Dog For Life

    @imagebeastmarkbeast The results are pretty clear: dogs trained with aversives have a higher incidence rate of problematic and maladaptive behavior. There’s no control study for case normalized dogs receiving either aversive or non aversive treatment, but the evidence is broad enough that...
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    *VENT* Just because I use a prong with my dog doesn’t mean I think Every dog needs it or that I’m a bad or lazy dog parent

    @aegistoronto F 'em. People are total idiots when it comes to a lot of things: vaccines, climate change, dog training, all sorts of stuff where having an idealistic view clashes with practical realities. I've spent my career in science and engineering, and what the dog training folks call...
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    Just ranting about my Petco trainer

    @faithoverfear I’d try to let it roll off as miscommunication: Petco isn’t known as the home of the worlds most experienced or successful dog trainers, instead, it’s a corporate environment that aims to offer a service at the minimum cost to themselves and sell you stuff along the way! Still...
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    I'm so happy I delayed my puppies neutering!

    @lightlovehope You’re following the vets advice, which is the best thing possible! When to neuter is being hotly debated, because there are good tradeoffs on both sides of the issue, and a lot of new information that’s coming out all the time and changing how we think about it. At least for my...
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    *VENT* Just because I use a prong with my dog doesn’t mean I think Every dog needs it or that I’m a bad or lazy dog parent

    @otu12345 I just got shadow banned from /r/dogtraining. So yea, good luck with that! Those people think they understand "science", but it's all ideology over there. Science is about questioning things and finding the truth, but on r/dogtraining you have to take the AVSAB statement as if it...
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    Vent on rehoming

    @johndoe590 What’s the right way to handle the loss of a dog? I don’t know. Just like when someone dies, people respond in vastly different ways, there is no “right” response to process those emotions. I’d just like to reiterate how different a puppy that you get to control it’s development...
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    6 month puppy and irritating whining

    @thoushaltnorkill Sometimes dogs just whine because they are more neurotic and and bothered by situations out of both of your control. Like people coming and going, seeing another dog, seeing a prey animal, being asked to settle, or while training. You can definitely address some of it, like OPs...
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    Vent on rehoming

    @johndoe590 Try to give this person the benefit of the doubt and assume the best intentions? It's unlikely they would iterate to you all of the dogs problems in an exact and precise way, nor do you know what the dog is actually like in their house. 1 year old dogs from the shelter "that are too...
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    Does your pup have their own life you don’t know much about?

    @healthchristian I love that exercise! Go for a walk, but let the dog decide where to go! It doesn't have to be any longer than normal, but change your thinking about what the goals of the walk are! I house sat a Greyhound for a few days (big sniffer, like stop dead, doesn't move to get the...