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  1. H

    My dog is getting increasingly aggresive towards other dogs

    @imbadatmakingusernames Mixed race, lol
  2. H

    Neighbors’ dog attacked me

    @stephen_nz seriously. "nothing too serious, just punctured skin" OP you're confused about what a serious bite is. breaking skin is definitely serious enough. that dog meant business and you stated yourself that the bites were escalating. given the chance, it sounds like that dog would do a...
  3. H

    Sick dog

    @elizabetha89 let me know how it goes. poor baby
  4. H

    Sick dog

    @elizabetha89 No shots whatsoever? Hate to say it but it's probably parvo. New vet, second opinion, stat.
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    My dogs keep chewing my niece's underwear

    @sometimesthewolf So, I want to make sure I'm understanding you – you're suggesting that OP sprays Bitter Apple spray on their niece's underwear?