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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @bongoon Thank you for the tips and advice. Your time and efforts to help are appreciated.
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @miu4miu Open wide spaces is one of her biggest triggers, too.
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @kreke I planned on contacting the breeder soon.
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @seal87 She uses a collar and has seen the vet recently. Healthy pup. I will let the breeder know but I do not want to give her back.
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @stairesdustin86 She won’t go for toys. Only appendages.
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @stairesdustin86 Wouldn’t giving a treat reinforce the behavior?
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    Reposting from puppy subreddit per someone’s suggestion. The folks over there have given some great advice such as a muzzle and seeking a behaviorist. I am trying to figure out what her triggers are. She goes from 0-100 and it seems to be seemingly random. She could be sniffing the ground then...