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  1. J

    Dog doesn’t play with other dogs?

    @sunyi It just makes me feel bad that he won’t ever have the experience of playing with another dog he’s always just angry towards other dogs lol
  2. J

    Dog doesn’t play with other dogs?

    I have a 5 year old pom who tolerates other dogs but doesn’t know or isn’t interested in playing with other dogs even though they’re trying to play with him. Why is that? Edit: he’s not in any pain all of his issues are addressed I guess he just doesn’t like other dogs lol
  3. J

    Is it possible to train my 4 y/o German shepherd to heel at his age?

    @ianjosephjackson From 2-7 is like the best time to train. For me my dog never listened when he was a puppy but now he’s 5 and he learns tricks in under 10 mins. He’s so good at training now.